Videomaster Home T.V. Game "Bronze"
(second version, 1975)

The second version of the Videomaster Home T.V. Game model VM 577 was released in 1975. The only differences were a nicely redesigned metal case with bronze finish (a more robust solution the original and fragile plastic case), the power switch moved from the top side to the front side where the controllers plug, black styrofoam package and a bronze box sleeve. The system was hand assembled like the original version, and it is unknown whether it was available in kit form. Unfortunately, the aluminium sticker showing the serial did not stick well to the bottom side and is often lost. One of our specimens has a serial of 10 095, wich gives an interesting idea of how many specimens of the original version were made: between some 8500 and 10000.

Box of the system with typical 1970s drawing and title.

System in its foam packing.

A nicely decorated metal case.

Left: evidence of hand soldering. Right: serial sticker


The top and bottom boundaries can be clearly seen.
The size of the players is quite big. Note the different
shape of the second player: it is stripped. A quite
intelligent idea as swapping the players positions
would make the game unplayable, each player having
his own area.

Nearly same as Tennis, but with a vertical bounday
on the right edge. One amazing detail is the presence
of the central line, which should not show in a
squash game !

This is the most interesting game of this system.
As a matter of fact, very few analog systems featured
this game because of the additional boundaries and
their shapes (hole in the middle), which required more
electronic components. Here again, the central line
should not be displayed in a football game...

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